Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Africa- I want to be Africa bound

Within the last couple weeks, I found out about an opportunity to go to Uganda Africa to minister to orphans and needy children with Caroline's Promise. ( This is a non-profit started by a friend of mine. I have been on a mission trip through them before. CP board members went on a "vision trip" to Uganda to assess ways that CP could help in the future, as well as minister to children in orphanages. They saw so many children with horrific stories, children who need someone to care. Truly, many of these children are starving- for attention, love, hope and food. Look at these blogs to see why we need to care- these are from people who went on this trip in May.

Another blog that I stumbled on that works towards helping people in Uganda is

Due to the quick nature of the trip--- airline money will be due within days....I sure need God to wow me and my best friend, Kirsten because we both feel like we should be doing it together. I definitely know how much this trip means to her.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Welcome back to Blogging!

So I blogged on xanga while we were waiting for our daughter Katie to come home from Guatemala. It was such a great release for me. Then, she got home and life got extremely busy and I just could not find the words to blog. The large demands of helping Katie adjust this first year home just meant something had to fall to the wayside (I will blog about her adjustment and challenges of adopting a preschooler too). But, I think it is time to start back up, especially to help me clarify my own thoughts. So, who knows what I will write about or how often. :-)